Your Social Media

Social Media Strategy

Having a solid strategy for your social media goals is essential.

Together we look at where you are and where you would like to be, how much time, energy and money you want to invest and how fast you want to go. You and I look at the variables we have to play with to come up with a foundational plan that will get us there as smootlhy as possible.

In the strategy we choose your platforms, post type, frequency and schedule to best meet your goals.

We map out your strategy in detail, including milestones and goals. 

You fill out our intake where you provide your socials, your goals, the stage your company is at right now, and additional information about your brand and your brand communications guide.

You will get a strategy and a schedule for the type of content we think you need to reach your goals.

Social Media Management

Managing your social media means organizing and posting your content on the platforms that will move you towards your goals, whether that is to expand your reach or increase sales, or both. We offer you three levels of management, outlined below. If you need something specific that is not on the menu, please reach out and let us help you find a solution to suit your needs.

Social Media Engagement

Engagement is the behind the scenes move that teaches the algorithms of the platforms who you are, where to place you organically and where you belong in the Eco system of brands and personalities on the platform.

It’s how we connect with your ideal clients organically, and how we teach the platforms to put you in front of the right profiles

Social Media engagement packages are available to our Social Media management clients.

Content Creation

Content creation ranges widely, and we offer options across the spectrum from graphic posts, image layouts, carousels, original video and photo, original audio, articles, captions, web copy and graphics.

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