Fundraising can be a daunting task clouded in mystery.

Let’s remove the uncertainty and make it accessible for your business.

We see you. You have a proven concept you are passionate about.  You are doing so many things yourself in your business that you can’t really work on your business.

We have seen that when our clients raise even relatively small amounts of cash that they are able to reach their goals much faster, allowing them to expand. From x2 to x15 in sales, raising money to invest in new products, teams, infrastructure and outsourcing allow small businesses to go through a growth spurt. 

We want to help you secure the funds you need to accelerate your growth. This is our offer:

Stage 1: We prepare your presentation to investors. We give you three different variations, to present to different types of investors. You walk away with branded presentations that are ready to present to investors, translated from your niche jargon to a language and format that your investors resonate with.

Stage 2: We prepare your presentations, and we coach you to pitch. We spend half a day with you to make sure you are ready to pitch to your investors. We go through the pitch with you, teach you the tips and tricks of a successful presentation, coach you to answer questions efficiently and represent your brand in the best way possible.

Stage 3: We prepare your presentations, we coach you to pitch, and we come with you and help you pitch. You get all the things from stage 1 and 2, and you get us in the room with you as a part of your team to pitch. We coordinate, rehearse and prepare to have the best possible result for you.

If you decide to engage us to help you with Stage 1, and then decide that you want to add the others, that is an option for you. We want you to feel confident.

Who is this for?

This service is for small companies who want to raise funds for specific goals in their business. The more clarity you have around what you need and how you will use it, the closer you are to raising that money.

Who is it not for?

Companies with no clear goals and vision. Raising the funds is not an end goal, it’s a stepping stone, and to successfully do it you have to want it and know what you are going to do with it.

Set up a 15 minute call to discuss how we can help you!

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